BSI certifies soft drink's carbon footprint


22 December 2009

BSI has certified Hey Song Corporation, famed in Taiwan for its soft drink products, to PAS 2050, the carbon footprint standard which was launched in October 2008.

Hey Song, producers of Hey Song Sarsaparilla, is the first organization in Taiwan’s food industry to receive certification to PAS 2050. The corporation has carried out a thorough examination of the greenhouse gas emissions embedded in the product lifecycle of Hey Song Sarsaparilla. This includes measuring the emissions from the point of source material production to the manufacture, distribution and retail sales right through to the end use and disposal. 

BSI Taiwan conducted an independent and comprehensive audit and evaluation of the carbon emission information throughout the product lifecycle of Hey Song Sarsaparilla. Hey Song Corporation will continue to reduce and measure its greenhouse gas emissions across the production and transportation process.

PAS 2050 Specification for the assessment of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services was developed in the UK by BSI, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Carbon Trust. It is a consistent way of counting the greenhouse gas emissions embedded in goods and services throughout their entire life cycle – from sourcing raw materials, through to manufacture, distribution, use and disposal.  The standard can help businesses move beyond managing the emissions their own processes create and look at the opportunities for reducing emissions in the design, making and supplying of products. 

Hsu Ching-Chen, Hey Song Corporation’s Director-General, said: “In the last 80 plus years of business in Taiwan, Hey Song Corporation has been quietly making efforts to promote environmental awareness. After accomplishing the inspection of our carbon footprint in response to the government’s policy for energy saving and carbon emission reduction, we will continue to strive towards the goal of reducing our overall carbon emissions.”

Mark Basham, BSI Asia-Pacific Managing Director, who attended the certification ceremony, said: “This is the first PAS 2050 certificate issued in Taiwan since BSI announced its carbon footprint inspection standard at the end of 2008. It’s also the first certificate earned by Taiwan’s food industry. I congratulate Hey Song and thank the corporation for its efforts in environmental management and for fulfilling its corporate social responsibility.”